Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Introduce Myself

Diah Lita Puspitasari
welcome to my blog. My name is Diah Lita Puspitasari, i am  school at SMKN 5 Surabaya and I class XII in chemical engineering industry. I live in kaliwaru, Rungkut surabaya. I live with my parents and my sister. they mean a lot to me and I hope someday I want my parents pround. aminnn... :)

 I created this blog because of instructions from my English teacher, her name Mrs. Kussaini. Thank you to her and I wanted to say "hello Mrs. , do not forget to read my blog hehehe.. :)".

a long introduction from me, happy reading and hopefully useful.

4 komentar:

  1. I read your blog sist, :) why you don't tell about your hoby and what your want :)

  2. I think I forgot to write it, but I will add it later. Thanks for the advice sist :)

  3. good blog lita..
    when i read it, i'm interest with that..

    actually i want know more about you, will you post about your family, your daily activity, and etc?? :)

  4. Dear Diah Lita Puspitasari; I found work you created a while back and would like to request permission to display an image you created in an illustrated encyclopedia of physics (printed) _ Please respond:m rsplinte AT uncc DOR edu
